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Leadership & Management

You would think that one-on-one training would cost a fortune and be time-consuming to organise. Well, it isn’t! Our one-on-one tutor led interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual. It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that’ll be retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant.

At a fraction of the cost and fraction of management time than you’d expect, this health & safety online training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

This course will consider what conflict is as well as its impact and role in the workplace. We will consider some of the triggers for workplace conflict and how it develops before looking at a number of different ways of managing it.

Approved by Institute of Hospitality, IIRSM & CPD – Duration 45 mins* – £35.00

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Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

When people have good mental health, they are more likely to fulfil their potential. That means they enjoy work and cope easily with work situations. They have a happy family life and good social relationships. This course covers the steps that organisations should consider when developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace Mental Health Policy.

Approved by CPD & IIRSM – Duration 20 mins* – £35.00

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Developing Good Employee Relations

This course covers the many benefits good employee relations can bring to an business. It explains how to build confidence in management, by sharing the company vision, building strong teams and listening to feedback. It examines how a proactive HR presence benefits employee relations. Then looks at the role of employment contracts and the Employee Handbook. The course discusses Performance Management including motivating employees and how best to show your appreciation of their contribution. Finally, it shows you how to deal effectively with complaints, discipline and negativity.

Approved by CPD & IIRSM – Duration 45 mins* – £35.00

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Developing Teamwork

This course will start by explaining in detail what team working is and cover some of the basic principles for putting together a group of people who will work well together. It then goes on to cover conflict within teams, explaining some of the reasons conflict occurs and some strategies for managing conflict. It finishes off by exploring some of the different styles of management behaviour and how to develop a resilient team.

Approved by CPD, IIRSM & ILM – Duration 30 mins* – £35.00

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Disciplinary Procedures

This course covers the aims of the disciplinary procedure, penalties including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

Approved by CPD – Duration 45 mins* – £35.00

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Effective Delegation

This course will start with the essentials – defining exactly what we mean by delegation and why it’s so important. It then goes into details about the elements of delegation, overcoming the barriers to delegation, how you can choose which tasks to delegate and who to, the process of delegation and much more.

Approved by CPD – Duration 110 mins* – £35.00

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Leadership Skills

A leader doesn’t necessarily have to be a ‘manager’, but it’s difficult to see how a manager could be truly effective without having at least some leadership skills. This course will introduce you to some of the import techniques and theories that can help you to improve your leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

Approved by CPD & ILM – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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Licensed Premises Staff Training

This course is aimed at anyone that works on licensed premises and gives them an overview of key topics relating to UK licencing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.

Approved by Institute of Hospitality & CPD – Duration 60 mins* – £35.00

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Lockdown Procedure in Schools

This course will start by introducing the learning outcomes and role of the lockdown officer, then discuss some of the likely reasons for a lockdown, go over some of the steps you can take to prepare your school for lockdown as well as what to do in the event of a lockdown taking place.

Approved by CPD – Duration 60 mins* – £35.00

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Managing Meetings

The course starts with some basic definitions and statistics that outline how important running meetings effectively can be. It examines factors that make meetings great, and some practical steps you can take to ensure everything runs smoothly and successful outcomes are achieved. It also covers some of the ways you can handle any problems that may arise. Finally, it looks at different decision-making approaches you can use and finishes off with some notes on keeping a learning log to help you learn and grow, ultimately becoming a more confident and effective participant or chairperson.

Approved by CPD – Duration 60 mins* – £35.00

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Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing

This course explains the key elements, procedures and activities involved in successful Occupational Health and Safety Management in the workplace. The course show how professional Occupational Health and Safety Management benefits individuals and organisations.

Approved by CPD – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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Managing Sickness and Absence

This course will help you to understand the different types of absence and Identify ways of measuring absence. It covers why you should complete return-to-work forms and how to conduct effective return-to-work meetings. The course finishes off by explaining the formal processes involved in managing absence and how to apply appropriate policies.

Approved by CPD – Duration 30 mins* – £35.00

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This course covers the basics of what constitutes a negotiation, the key stages of a negotiation, skills you can apply to your negotiations and some practical advice so you can bring all of this together and become a more effective negotiator.

Approved by CPD – Duration 46 mins* – £35.00

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Objective Setting

This course aims to help you write effective objectives that deliver results. It covers the importance of goals and objectives and why we need them, the barriers to you achieving your objectives and how to overcome them, what SMART objectives are and how to write and identify them and concludes with some tips for successful objective setting.

Approved by CPD – Duration 30 mins* – £35.00

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Presentation Skills

Giving a successful presentation can be one of the hardest parts of many people’s jobs. This course covers the common mistakes people make when preparing for and giving a presentation so you can avoid these, as well as going over good practice and providing some practical advice that you can put to good use the next time you have a big presentation to make.

Approved by CPD – Duration 55 mins* – £35.00

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Problem Solving in a Workplace

This course covers a range of problems that occur in the workplace- and how they can be recognised, controlled and solved.

Approved by CPD – Duration 30 mins* – £35.00

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Project Management

This course covers the basic principles of project management and covers some of the tools and techniques you can employ to improve your project management skills.

Approved by CPD – Duration 90 mins* – £35.00

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Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)

This short course provides you with an introduction to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, otherwise known as PUWER.
The course starts by explaining the purpose of PUWER, and then turns to look at the types of equipment that fall under this legislation. This is followed by an explanation as to the responsibilities both employers and employees have under the regulations.
Next, the course explores the common hazards associated with the use of work equipment; before moving on to look at different methods of guarding available to keep you safe from injury.
Finally, the course explores the requirements with respect to equipment inspection and maintenance under the regulations.

Duration 40 mins* – £35.00

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Safeguarding Adults

This course is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with, adults in need of care and support, either as a paid professional or a volunteer. You and the organisation you work for must take appropriate measures for the protection of adults in your care, while still ensuring they are supported and empowered. This course can bring you one step closer to being able to do this.

Approved by CPD – Duration 75 mins* – £35.00

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Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding is a term that describes the work and processes undertaken to minimise and manage the risks involved to vulnerable children. During this training video you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to children, the types of abuse suffered, how to recognise the signs of abuse and key safeguarding legislations put in place to minimise the abuse of children.

Approved by CPD – Duration 75 mins* – £35.00

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Supervising Mental Health at Work

This course will look at supervising stress and mental health at work and show you how to create a good mental health culture in your workplace.

Approved by CPD & IIRSM – Duration 25 mins* – £35.00

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Supervising Food Safety – Level 3

This is a detailed course that starts with basic definitions, then follows a logical path through other topics including, types of food hazards, personal hygiene, pest control, legislation, enforcement, and the design and cleaning of premises and equipment. It also discusses how to implement a successful food safety management system. There’s a wide range of topics because an effective Food Safety Management System, professionally run, protects your customers, your staff, and the reputation of your company.

Approved by Institute of Hospitality, IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & CPD – Duration 260 mins* – £125.00

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*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions.

Our IOSH/IIRSM/CPD/IATP/Gatehouse Awards/IFE/Laser Awards/ETA Awards/Institute of Hospitality approved courses are owned by VideoTile Learning Ltd and distributed under licence.