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Abrasive Wheels

The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the Abrasive Wheels Regulations as amended by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, instructing candidates in all aspects of the correct mounting, setting and use of Abrasive Wheels.

We can provide this course at your site for up to six candidates for a one day course.

Refresher training is recommended every three years.  We can offer ITSSAR Accredited certification, registration and on successful completion of the course your company will be issued with certificates
for each candidate.

The course will comprise of theoretical and practical instruction covering the following:

Course introduction
Health & Safety & relevant legislation
Safety film
Assessing risks
Pre-use inspection
Storage & handling of abrasive wheels
Marking systems
Spindle speeds
Correct techniques relative to the working environment
Practical demonstration
Theory Test
Course closure

If you would like to book a course or require more information, please contact me on the details at the top of this page.